[[PageOutline(3-4, Sections)]] == !DownloadSubtitles == === Intro === download given subtitle files ---- === Description === '''struct !DownloadSubtitles(string $token, array($IDSubtitleFile, $IDSubtitleFile,...) $data)''' This function can be used to download multiple subtitle files at once. ---- === Parameters === First parameter is the session ''token'', second is the array/list of subtitle file IDs using this structure: {{{ array( <--- array of subtitle file IDs (int), (int), ... ) }}} ''token (required)'':: token string identifying user's session, taken from [XmlRpcLogIn LogIn] output structure. ''data (required)'':: array of subtitle file IDs ---- === Return Values === Output is returned in this structure: {{{ struct( array( struct( subcontents ), struct( subcontents ), ... ) [data], (double) [seconds] ) }}} and contains these elements: ''status'':: function result code, see [XmlRpcStatusCode list of status codes] ''data'':: array of subtitle file contents ''subcontents'':: subtitle file contents, a ''struct'' with 2 members: ''idsubtitlefile'' and ''data'' (base64 encoded and gzipped subtitle file contents) ''data'':: to get the contents of the subtitle file, first base64-decode the string and then gunzip its contents ''seconds'':: time taken to execute this command on server Subtitle file contents ''subcontents'' structure: {{{ struct( (int) [idsubtitlefile], (string) [data] ) }}} ---- === Implementations === There are currently no available sample implementations. ---- === Changelog === Version 1: created this function ---- === Examples === ==== Input ==== {{{ #!xml DownloadSubtitles 0t6bf5qt1l32ol67frupr47fg7 1951894257 1951853345 ... more subtitle file IDs if needed go here ... }}} ==== Output ==== {{{ #!xml status 200 OK data idsubtitlefile 1951894257 data H4sIAA ... base64-encoded and gzipped subtitle file contents ... BAA== ... more subtitle file content structures go here if any ... seconds 0.38 }}} ---- === Notes === * you need to base64-decode and then gunzip ''subcontents''-->''data'' to get the subtitle file contents. ---- === See also === * [wiki:XmlRpcSearchSubtitles SearchSubtitles] * [wiki:XmlRpcUploadSubtitles UploadSubtitles] ---- === Comments === add your comments, hints and suggestions here if you like ... [Prev] [wiki:XmlRpcIntro Home] [Next]