Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Resolution Created
#12 SearchMoviesOnIMDB works incorrectly closed blocker fixed 15 years
#1 Check if utf8 subtitles are supported somebody closed major fixed 17 years
#6 malen Hacked closed major invalid 15 years
#11 big hairy closed major invalid 15 years
#13 C:\Documents and Settings\BlackCrystal™\Escritorio closed major invalid 15 years
#14 Java api login error closed major fixed 14 years
#15 fsadfsdf closed major invalid 14 years
#16 API calls are ___very___ slow closed major fixed 14 years
#18 hihihi closed major invalid 14 years
#19 1 closed major invalid 14 years
#22 OSDB server down / unreachable SiliconChip closed major fixed 14 years
#23 mn re closed major invalid 14 years
#24 Mutant572 closed major invalid 14 years
#25 SearchSubtitles with multiple files broken? closed major wontfix 14 years
#28 I want to search API f rom Subsittile in PHP closed major wontfix 13 years
#30 CheckMovieHash now fails closed major fixed 13 years
#31 Bridge to Terabithia Kevin closed major invalid 13 years
#32 guest meow closed major invalid 13 years
#33 sublanguageid parsing bug closed major wontfix 13 years
#34 Dr. Shefqet Krasniqi - Përshkrimi i Xhehnemit closed major invalid 13 years
#35 need help closed major invalid 13 years
#36 Tell Me Why ? closed major invalid 12 years
#39 aaa closed major invalid 12 years
#42 Looking for sub in Chinese (simplified) for The General's Daughter (1999) closed major invalid 12 years
#8 SearchSubtitles does not return status field closed minor fixed 15 years
#21 C++ code doesn´t run on Windows XP / Visual Studio 2005 closed minor fixed 14 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.