Version 31 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Programming Languages
Hash code is based on Media Player Classic. In natural language it calculates: size + 64bit chksum of the first and last 64k (even if they overlap because the file is smaller than 128k). On is movie file size limited to 9000000000 > $moviebytesize > 131072 bytes, if is there any reason to change these sizes, let us know. Licence of hashing source codes is GPL. Source codes was tested on Little Endian - DEC, Intel and compatible
Feel free to edit/add source-codes if you have faster/better implementation. Also don't forget to check, if hash is right for test. Test these 2 files please to ensure your algo is completely OK:
- AVI file (12 909 756 bytes)
- hash: 8e245d9679d31e12
- DUMMY RAR file (2 565 922 bytes, 4 295 033 890 after RAR unpacking)
- hash: 61f7751fc2a72bfb
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #ifndef uint64_t #define uint64_t unsigned long long #endif uint64_t compute_hash(FILE * handle) { uint64_t hash, fsize; fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(handle); fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET); hash = fsize; for(uint64_t tmp = 0, i = 0; i < 65536/sizeof(tmp) && fread((char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), 1, handle); hash += tmp, i++); fseek(handle, (long)MAX(0, fsize - 65536), SEEK_SET); for(uint64_t tmp = 0, i = 0; i < 65536/sizeof(tmp) && fread((char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), 1, handle); hash += tmp, i++); return hash; } int main(int argc, char *argv) { FILE * handle; uint64_t myhash; handle = fopen("breakdance.avi", "rb"); if (!handle) { printf("Error openning file!"); return 1; } myhash = compute_hash(handle); printf("%I64x", myhash); fclose(handle); return 0; }
C - Public Domain License
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> unsigned long long analizefileOSHahs(char *fileName){ /* * Public Domain implementation by Kamil Dziobek. turbos11(at) * This code implements Gibest hash algorithm first use in Media Player Classics * For more implementation(various languages and authors) see: * * * -works only on little-endian procesor DEC, Intel and compatible * -sizeof(unsigned long long) must be 8 */ FILE *file; int i; unsigned long long t1=0; unsigned long long buffer1[8192*2]; file = fopen(fileName, "rb"); fread(buffer1, 8192, 8, file); fseek(file, -65536, SEEK_END); fread(&buffer1[8192], 8192, 8, file); for (i=0;i<8192*2;i++) t1+=buffer1[i]; t1+= ftell(file); //add filesize fclose(file); return t1; }; int main(int argc, char *argv){ unsigned long long myhash=analizefileOSHahs("C://tomaszkokowskizoofiliamovies.avi"); printf("hash is %16I64x",myhash); }
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; using namespace std; int MAX(int x, int y) { if((x) > (y)) return x; else return y; } uint64_t compute_hash(ifstream& f) { uint64_t hash, fsize; f.seekg(0, ios::end); fsize = f.tellg(); f.seekg(0, ios::beg); hash = fsize; for(uint64_t tmp = 0, i = 0; i < 65536/sizeof(tmp) &&*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); i++, hash += tmp); f.seekg(MAX(0, (uint64_t)fsize - 65536), ios::beg); for(tmp = 0, i = 0; i < 65536/sizeof(tmp) &&*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); i++, hash += tmp); return hash; } int main(int argc, char *argv) { ifstream f; uint64_t myhash;"c:\\test.avi", ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate); if (!f.is_open()) { cerr << "Error opening file" << endl; return 1; } myhash = compute_hash(f); cout << setw(16) << setfill('0') << hex << myhash; f.close(); return 0; }
About C and C++ implementation
This only work on little-endian processor: DEC, Intel and compatible
/** * Hash code is based on Media Player Classic. In natural language it calculates: size + 64bit * checksum of the first and last 64k (even if they overlap because the file is smaller than * 128k). */ public class OpenSubtitlesHasher { /** * Size of the chunks that will be hashed in bytes (64 KB) */ private static final int HASH_CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024; public static String computeHash(File file) throws IOException { long size = file.length(); long chunkSizeForFile = Math.min(HASH_CHUNK_SIZE, size); FileChannel fileChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel(); try { long head = computeHashForChunk(, 0, chunkSizeForFile)); long tail = computeHashForChunk(, Math.max(size - HASH_CHUNK_SIZE, 0), chunkSizeForFile)); return String.format("%016x", size + head + tail); } finally { fileChannel.close(); } } public static String computeHash(InputStream stream, long length) throws IOException { int chunkSizeForFile = (int) Math.min(HASH_CHUNK_SIZE, length); // buffer that will contain the head and the tail chunk, chunks will overlap if length is smaller than two chunks byte[] chunkBytes = new byte[(int) Math.min(2 * HASH_CHUNK_SIZE, length)]; DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(stream); // first chunk in.readFully(chunkBytes, 0, chunkSizeForFile); long position = chunkSizeForFile; long tailChunkPosition = length - chunkSizeForFile; // seek to position of the tail chunk, or not at all if length is smaller than two chunks while (position < tailChunkPosition && (position += in.skip(tailChunkPosition - position)) >= 0); // second chunk, or the rest of the data if length is smaller than two chunks in.readFully(chunkBytes, chunkSizeForFile, chunkBytes.length - chunkSizeForFile); long head = computeHashForChunk(ByteBuffer.wrap(chunkBytes, 0, chunkSizeForFile)); long tail = computeHashForChunk(ByteBuffer.wrap(chunkBytes, chunkBytes.length - chunkSizeForFile, chunkSizeForFile)); return String.format("%016x", length + head + tail); } private static long computeHashForChunk(ByteBuffer buffer) { LongBuffer longBuffer = buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).asLongBuffer(); long hash = 0; while (longBuffer.hasRemaining()) { hash += longBuffer.get(); } return hash; } }
You can use GetHash.dll.
Use Example:
private void openFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { byte[] hash = GetHash.Main.ComputeHash(openFileDialog1.FileName); label1.Text = GetHash.Main.ToHexadecimal(hash); }
or without using GetHash.dll:
using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace MovieHasher { class Program { private static byte[] ComputeMovieHash(string filename) { byte[] result; using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(filename)) { result = ComputeMovieHash(input); } return result; } private static byte[] ComputeMovieHash(Stream input) { long lhash, streamsize; streamsize = input.Length; lhash = streamsize; long i = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(long)]; while (i < 65536 / sizeof(long) && (input.Read(buffer, 0, sizeof(long)) > 0)) { i++; lhash += BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0); } input.Position = Math.Max(0, streamsize - 65536); i = 0; while (i < 65536 / sizeof(long) && (input.Read(buffer, 0, sizeof(long)) > 0)) { i++; lhash += BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0); } input.Close(); byte[] result = BitConverter.GetBytes(lhash); Array.Reverse(result); return result; } private static string ToHexadecimal(byte[] bytes) { StringBuilder hexBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) { hexBuilder.Append(bytes[i].ToString("x2")); } return hexBuilder.ToString(); } static void Main(string[] args) { byte[] moviehash = ComputeMovieHash(@"C:\test.avi"); Console.WriteLine("The hash of the movie-file is: {0}", ToHexadecimal(moviehash)); } } }
If you get overflow error read this.
Imports System Imports System.Text Imports System.IO 'Note: you must remove integer overflow checking. Namespace MovieHasher Class Program Private Shared Function ComputeMovieHash(ByVal filename As String) As Byte() Dim result As Byte() Using input As Stream = File.OpenRead(filename) result = ComputeMovieHash(input) End Using Return result End Function Private Function ComputeMovieHash(ByVal input As Stream) As Byte() Dim lhash As System.Int64, streamsize As Long streamsize = input.Length lhash = streamsize Dim i As Long = 0 Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Long)) - 1) {} While i < 65536 / Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Long)) AndAlso (input.Read(buffer, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Long))) > 0) i += 1 lhash += BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0) End While input.Position = Math.Max(0, streamsize - 65536) i = 0 While i < 65536 / Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Long)) AndAlso (input.Read(buffer, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Long))) > 0) i += 1 lhash += BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0) End While input.Close() Dim result As Byte() = BitConverter.GetBytes(lhash) Array.Reverse(result) Return result End Function Private Shared Function ToHexadecimal(ByVal bytes As Byte()) As String Dim hexBuilder As New StringBuilder() For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1 hexBuilder.Append(bytes(i).ToString("x2")) Next Return hexBuilder.ToString() End Function Private Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) Dim moviehash As Byte() = ComputeMovieHash("C:\test.avi") Console.WriteLine("The hash of the movie-file is: {0}", ToHexadecimal(moviehash)) End Sub End Class End Namespace
import struct, os def hashFile(name): try: longlongformat = 'q' # long long bytesize = struct.calcsize(longlongformat) f = open(name, "rb") filesize = os.path.getsize(name) hash = filesize if filesize < 65536 * 2: return "SizeError" for x in range(65536/bytesize): buffer = (l_value,)= struct.unpack(longlongformat, buffer) hash += l_value hash = hash & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #to remain as 64bit number,filesize-65536),0) for x in range(65536/bytesize): buffer = (l_value,)= struct.unpack(longlongformat, buffer) hash += l_value hash = hash & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF f.close() returnedhash = "%016x" % hash return returnedhash except(IOError): return "IOError"
This is just a quick conversion of Gabest's original C code. Anyone who can come up with a cleaner code, please feel free to do so and post here.
function CalcGabestHash(const fname: string): string; var i : integer; s : array[1..8] of char; tmp : Int64 absolute s; hash : Int64; readed : integer; aStream: TFileStream; begin result := ''; if not FileExists(fname) then Exit; aStream := TFileStream.Create(fName, fmShareDenyNone); hash := aStream.Size; i := 0; readed := 1; while ((i < 8192) and (readed > 0)) do begin readed := aStream.Read(s, sizeof(s)); if readed > 0 then begin hash := hash + tmp; end; i := i + 1; end; aStream.Seek(-65536, soFromEnd); // 65536 i := 0; readed:= 1; while ((i < 8192) and (readed > 0)) do begin readed := aStream.Read(s, sizeof(s)); if readed > 0 then hash := hash + tmp; i := i + 1; end; aStream.Free; result := Format('%.16x',[hash]); end;
Combined routine that will calculate a fast hash for videofiles over 65K and a normal md5 for subtitles
dim b as BinaryStream dim mb as MemoryBlock dim hash,bytesize as UINT64 dim i, x, chunksize, filelen, difference as integer hash = 0 //Reset Hash difference = 0 if f <> nil and f.Exists then b= f.OpenAsBinaryFile hash = b.Length bytesize = b.Length bytesizestr = str(bytesize) if bytesize >= 65536 and routine = "video" then chunksize = 65536 mb = b.Read(65536) mb.LittleEndian = True for i= 0 to chunksize -1 step 8 hash = hash+ mb.UINT64Value(i) next b.Position = max(b.Length-chunksize, 0) mb= b.Read(chunksize) mb.LittleEndian = True for i= 0 to chunksize -1 step 8 hash = hash+ mb.UINT64Value(i) next myhash = Lowercase(str(hex(hash))) elseif routine = "subtitle" then dim c,result as string mb = md5(b.Read(b.Length)) mb.LittleEndian = True for i = 0 to mb.size-1 x = mb.byte( i ) c = right( "00"+hex( x ), 2 ) result = result + c next result = lowercase( result ) myhash = result end
PHP 4/5
function OpenSubtitlesHash($file) { $handle = fopen($file, "rb"); $fsize = filesize($file); $hash = array(3 => 0, 2 => 0, 1 => ($fsize >> 16) & 0xFFFF, 0 => $fsize & 0xFFFF); for ($i = 0; $i < 8192; $i++) { $tmp = ReadUINT64($handle); $hash = AddUINT64($hash, $tmp); } $offset = $fsize - 65536; fseek($handle, $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0, SEEK_SET); for ($i = 0; $i < 8192; $i++) { $tmp = ReadUINT64($handle); $hash = AddUINT64($hash, $tmp); } fclose($handle); return UINT64FormatHex($hash); } function ReadUINT64($handle) { $u = unpack("va/vb/vc/vd", fread($handle, 8)); return array(0 => $u["a"], 1 => $u["b"], 2 => $u["c"], 3 => $u["d"]); } function AddUINT64($a, $b) { $o = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0); $carry = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if (($a[$i] + $b[$i] + $carry) > 0xffff ) { $o[$i] += ($a[$i] + $b[$i] + $carry) & 0xffff; $carry = 1; } else { $o[$i] += ($a[$i] + $b[$i] + $carry); $carry = 0; } } return $o; } function UINT64FormatHex($n) { return sprintf("%04x%04x%04x%04x", $n[3], $n[2], $n[1], $n[0]); }
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print OpenSubtitlesHash('breakdance.avi'); sub OpenSubtitlesHash { my $filename = shift or die("Need video filename"); open my $handle, "<", $filename or die $!; binmode $handle; my $fsize = -s $filename; my $hash = [$fsize & 0xFFFF, ($fsize >> 16) & 0xFFFF, 0, 0]; $hash = AddUINT64($hash, ReadUINT64($handle)) for (1..8192); my $offset = $fsize - 65536; seek($handle, $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0, 0) or die $!; $hash = AddUINT64($hash, ReadUINT64($handle)) for (1..8192); close $handle or die $!; return UINT64FormatHex($hash); } sub ReadUINT64 { read($_[0], my $u, 8); return [unpack("vvvv", $u)]; } sub AddUINT64 { my $o = [0,0,0,0]; my $carry = 0; for my $i (0..3) { if (($_[0]->[$i] + $_[1]->[$i] + $carry) > 0xffff ) { $o->[$i] += ($_[0]->[$i] + $_[1]->[$i] + $carry) & 0xffff; $carry = 1; } else { $o->[$i] += ($_[0]->[$i] + $_[1]->[$i] + $carry); $carry = 0; } } return $o; } sub UINT64FormatHex { return sprintf("%04x%04x%04x%04x", $_[0]->[3], $_[0]->[2], $_[0]->[1], $_[0]->[0]); }
This is a quick translation/transliteration of the Perl script.
class Hasher def open_subtitles_hash(filename) raise "Need video filename" unless filename fh = fsize = File.size(filename) hash = [fsize & 0xffff, (fsize >> 16) & 0xffff, 0, 0] 8192.times { hash = add_unit_64(hash, read_uint_64(fh)) } offset = fsize - 65536[0,offset].max, 0) 8192.times { hash = add_unit_64(hash, read_uint_64(fh)) } fh.close return uint_64_format_hex(hash) end def read_uint_64(stream)"vvvv") end def add_unit_64(hash, input) res = [0,0,0,0] carry = 0 do |(h,i),n| sum = h + i + carry if sum > 0xffff res[n] += sum & 0xffff carry = 1 else res[n] += sum carry = 0 end end return res end def uint_64_format_hex(hash) sprintf("%04x%04x%04x%04x", *hash.reverse) end end if __FILE__ == $0 require 'test/unit' class HashTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @h = end def test_test_file_hash assert_equal("8e245d9679d31e12", @h.open_subtitles_hash('breakdance.avi')) end end end
Another more "rubyesque" implementation.
module MovieHasher CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024 # in bytes def self.compute_hash(filename) filesize = File.size(filename) hash = filesize # Read 64 kbytes, divide up into 64 bits and add each # to hash. Do for beginning and end of file., 'rb') do |f| # Q = unsigned long long = 64 bit"Q*").each do |n| hash = hash + n & 0xffffffffffffffff # to remain as 64 bit number end[0, filesize - CHUNK_SIZE].max, IO::SEEK_SET) # And again for the end of the file"Q*").each do |n| hash = hash + n & 0xffffffffffffffff end end sprintf("%016x", hash) end end if __FILE__ == $0 require 'test/unit' class MovieHasherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_compute_hash assert_equal("8e245d9679d31e12", MovieHasher::compute_hash('breakdance.avi')) end def test_compute_hash_large_file assert_equal("61f7751fc2a72bfb", MovieHasher::compute_hash('dummy.bin')) end end end
import IO(bracket) import System.Environment(getArgs) import System.IO(openBinaryFile,hClose,hFileSize,hSeek,IOMode(ReadMode),SeekMode(AbsoluteSeek,SeekFromEnd)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L(hGet,unpack) import Data.Binary.Get(runGet,getWord64le) import Data.Binary.Put(runPut,putWord64le) import Data.Word(Word64) import Control.Monad(foldM) import Data.Bits.Utils(w82s) import Data.Hex(hex) shortsum :: FilePath -> IO Word64 shortsum filename = bracket (openBinaryFile filename ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do fs <- hFileSize h hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0 ; begin <- L.hGet h chunksize hSeek h SeekFromEnd (-(toInteger chunksize)) ; end <- L.hGet h chunksize return $ (flip runGet $ begin) $ chunksum $ (flip runGet $ end) (chunksum . fromInteger $ fs) where chunksize = 0x10000 chunksum n = foldM (\a _ -> getWord64le >>= return . (+a)) n [1..(chunksize`div`8)] main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let fn = head $ args p <- shortsum fn putStrLn $ "The hash of file " ++ fn ++ ": " ++ (hex $ w82s $ reverse (L.unpack $ runPut $ putWord64le p))
#cs Hash code is based on Media Player Classic. It calculates: size + 64bit checksum of the first and last 64k (even if they overlap because the file is smaller than 128k). Authors: Authenticity & Emanuel "Datenshi" Lindgren @ AutoIT Forums. AutoIT v3.3.2.0 #ce Func _Compute_Hash($sFileName) Local $hFile, $tRet, $tTmp, $iFileSize, $iRead, $iChunk, $iI $hFile = FileOpen($sFileName, 16) If Not $hFile Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $iFileSize = FileGetSize($sFileName) $iChunk = 65536 If $iFileSize < $iChunk * 2 Then FileClose($hFile) Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf $tRet = DllStructCreate("uint64") $tTmp = DllStructCreate("uint64") DllStructSetData($tRet, 1, $iFileSize) For $iI = 0 To ($iChunk / 8) - 1 DllStructSetData($tTmp, 1, FileRead($hFile, 8)) DllStructSetData($tRet, 1, DllStructGetData($tRet, 1) + DllStructGetData($tTmp, 1)) Next FileSetPos($hFile, $iFileSize - $iChunk, 0) For $iI = 0 To ($iChunk / 8) - 1 DllStructSetData($tTmp, 1, FileRead($hFile, 8)) DllStructSetData($tRet, 1, DllStructGetData($tRet, 1) + DllStructGetData($tTmp, 1)) Next FileClose($hFile) Return SetError(0, 0, _HEX(DllStructGetData($tRet, 1))) EndFunc Func _HEX($iValue) Return StringFormat("%#.8x%.8x", $iValue / 4294967296, $iValue) EndFunc
PARAMETERS cfile PRIVATE ALL ******* * enviroment setup ******* cret='' glTalk=(SET("TALK")="ON") IF vartype(cfile)<>'C' cfile='breakdance.avi' ENDIF IF glTalk ? cfile ? cfile='' ? LEN(cfile) endif nfile=FOPEN(cfile) nsize=FSEEK(nfile,0,2) IF gltalk ? cfile ? 'size?>' ?? nsize endif FSEEK(nfile,0,0) ****** * length reencode to 64 uint ***** chash=hashsize(nsize) cempty=chr(0) cret='' IF LEN(chash)<8 FOR i=1 TO 8-LEN(chash) cret=cret+cempty ENDFOR ENDIF cret=cret+chash nSum=0 ******* * first 64kb ****** FOR i=1 TO 8192 cpom=FREAD(nfile,8) cpom=reverse(cpom) nSum=nSum+LEN(cpom) IF gltalk do buildhex WITH cret ?? '+' DO buildhex WITH cpom ? '=' ENDIF cret=adint64(cret,cpom) ENDFOR ******* * last 64kb ******* FSEEK(nfile,-65536,2) FOR i=1 TO 8192 cpom=FREAD(nfile,8) cpom=reverse(cpom) cret=adint64(cret,cpom) nSum=nSum+LEN(cpom) ENDFOR FCLOSE(nfile) **** * build hexa **** IF gltalk DO buildhex WITH cret ? ? 'Spocital som' ?? nSum ENDIF RETURN buildhex(cret) FUNCTION reverse PARAMETERS cstring PRIVATE ALL cret='' FOR i=1 TO LEN(cstring) cret=cret+SUBSTR(cstring,LEN(cstring)-i+1,1) ENDFOR RETURN cret FUNCTION buildhex PARAMETERS cstring,lkam PRIVATE ALL gcTalk=SET("TALK") cret='' FOR i=1 TO LEN(cstring) cpom=dec2basx(ASC(SUBSTR(cstring,i,1)),16) IF LEN(cpom)<2 cout='0'+cpom cpom=cout ENDIF cret=cret+cpom IF gcTALK="ON" ?? cpom ?? ':' ENDIF ENDFOR RETURN cret FUNCTION adint64 PARAMETERS cstring1,cstring2 PRIVATE ALL DIMENSION car (8,1) as Character *** * 8 bytes both *** nincrement=0 cret='' FOR i=8 TO 1 STEP -1 nfir=ASC(SUBSTR(cstring1,i,1)) nsec=ASC(SUBSTR(cstring2,i,1)) nout=nincrement+nfir+nsec IF nout>255 nincrement=INT(nout/256) nout=nout-(nincrement*256) ELSE nincrement=0 ENDIF car(i)=CHR(nout) ENDFOR FOR i=1 TO 8 cret=cret+car(i) ENDFOR RETURN cret FUNCTION hashsize PARAMETERS ncislo PRIVATE ALL cret='' creverse='' DO WHILE .t. npom=INT(ncislo/256) npom2=ncislo-npom*256 creverse=creverse+CHR(npom2) ncislo=npom IF ncislo=0 EXIT ENDIF ENDDO FOR i=1 TO LEN(creverse) cret=cret+SUBSTR(creverse,LEN(creverse)-i+1,1) ENDFOR RETURN cret *.............................................................................. * Function: DEC2BASX * Purpose: Convert whole number 0-?, to base 2-16 * * Parameters: nTempNum - number to convert (0-9007199254740992) * base - base to convert to i.e., 2 4 8 16... * returns: string * Usage: cresult=Dec2BasX(nParm1, nParm2) * STORE Dec2BasX(255, 16) TO cMyString &&... cMyString contains 'ff' *.............................................................................. FUNCTION dec2basx PARAMETERS nTempNum, nNewBase STORE 0 TO nWorkVal,; remainder,; dividend,; nextnum,; digit nWorkVal = nTempNum ret_str = '' DO WHILE .T. digit = MOD(nWorkVal, nNewBase) dividend = nWorkVal / nNewBase nWorkVal = INT(dividend) DO CASE CASE digit = 10 ret_str = 'a' + ret_str CASE digit = 11 ret_str = 'b' + ret_str CASE digit = 12 ret_str = 'c' + ret_str CASE digit = 13 ret_str = 'd' + ret_str CASE digit = 14 ret_str = 'e' + ret_str CASE digit = 15 ret_str = 'f' + ret_str OTHERWISE ret_str = LTRIM(STR(digit)) + ret_str ENDCASE IF nWorkVal = 0 EXIT ENDIF ( nWorkVal = 0 ) ENDDO ( .T. ) RETURN ret_str
Powershell 2.0
You can use GetHash.dll.
Use Example:
Add-Type -Path "GetHash.dll" function MovieHash([string]$path) { $hash = [GetHash.Main] $hash::ToHexadecimal($hash::ComputeHash($path)) } MovieHash $filename
or without using GetHash.dll:
$dataLength = 65536 function LongSum([UInt64]$a, [UInt64]$b) { [UInt64](([Decimal]$a + $b) % ([Decimal]([UInt64]::MaxValue) + 1)) } function StreamHash([IO.Stream]$stream) { $hashLength = 8 [UInt64]$lhash = 0 [byte[]]$buffer = New-Object byte[] $hashLength $i = 0 while ( ($i -lt ($dataLength / $hashLength)) -and ($stream.Read($buffer,0,$hashLength) -gt 0) ) { $i++ $lhash = LongSum $lhash ([BitConverter]::ToUInt64($buffer,0)) } $lhash } function MovieHash([string]$path) { try { $stream = [IO.File]::OpenRead($path) [UInt64]$lhash = $stream.Length $lhash = LongSum $lhash (StreamHash $stream) $stream.Position = [Math]::Max(0L, $stream.Length - $dataLength) $lhash = LongSum $lhash (StreamHash $stream) "{0:X}" -f $lhash } finally { $stream.Close() } } MovieHash $filename
Calc_Hash proc uses esi ebx edx pFile:dword, pBuf:dword LOCAL hFile:dword, fSize:dword, NBR:dword, pMem:dword invoke CreateFile,pFile,GENERIC_ALL,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0 mov hFile,eax cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE jz @Error invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,0,NULL,FILE_END mov fSize,eax push eax invoke GlobalAlloc,GPTR,131072 mov pMem,eax invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,0,NULL,FILE_BEGIN invoke ReadFile,hFile,pMem,65536,addr NBR,NULL sub fSize,65536 add pMem,65536 invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,fSize,NULL,FILE_BEGIN invoke ReadFile,hFile,pMem,65536,addr NBR,NULL sub pMem,65536 mov esi,pMem mov ecx,131072 pop eax mov edx,eax push eax @@: add edx,[esi] adc ebx,[esi+4] add esi,8 sub ecx,8 jnz @B push edx push ebx invoke wsprintf,pBuf,addr HashFormat pop eax pop eax invoke CloseHandle,hFile invoke GlobalFree,pMem pop ecx @Error: ; If error eax returns (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ; Hash value is copied to pBuf ; eax returns Movie Filesize ret Calc_Hash endp
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