
Version 14 (modified by Hacked, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Programs, scripts, media players, media centers, codecs using API

Programs and scripts

PySubD Python Opensource
SubDownloader Python Opensource
Oscar Delphi Opensource class
SolEol (Formerly HdP) Realbasic Source Available Upon Request
MySE Delphi Opensource class
FatRat Download Manager C++ Opensource
DreamLegendador Realbasic Opensource
VrokSub C# ??? tools Python Opensource
KDE download_opensubtitle KDE Service menu, Python Opensource
GNOME download_opensubtitle Gnome, Nautilus Script, Python Opensource
Subdl command-line, Python Opensource
Subtitles Matcher Firefox extension XUL Opensource
Subtitle Java Applet Java Opensource
XBOX - OpenSubtitles – XBMC video plugin Python Opensource
Zasyzacz napisow (win extension) C++ ???
Periscope CLI, Nautilus integration, python module, Python Opensource
LocalMovieDB Python Opensource
Undertext for Mac OS X Ruby Opensource
Subtitle It Ruby Opensource
Subit Python Opensource
MovieJukebox Java Opensource
FileBot Java Opensource
OpenSubtitles OSD - XBMC, Plex...script Python Opensource
SubtitleTools C# Opensource
QNapi C++ Opensource
SubIt Python Opensource
ElisaPluginSubtitles C# Opensource
Easy Subtitles Synchronizer .NET Closedsource
OpenSubtitlesSearch C++ Opensource
SubsMarine (Mac OSX) Cocoa Closedsource
Subtitles Wizard (Mac OSX) Cocoa Closedsource
Subtitles finder (script for VLC) Lua Opensource

Media Players, Media Centres and Codecs

Open Subtitles MKV Player Delphi Closedsource
Kantaris Media Player C++ Opensource
AllPlayer Delphi Closedsource
Dzobias RAR Player C++ Closedsource
Media Player Classic C++ Opensource
SMPlayer C++ Opensource
Plex C++ Python Closed and Opensource
Boxee C++ Opensource
BS.Player C++ Closedsource
BESTplayer Delphi Closedsource
FFDshow C++ Closedsource

if you know other program, feel free to add it (log in as guest/guest).

There are much more apps using API, now as 1/1/2011 there is registered more than 240 user-agents.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.