Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of XMLRPC

02/13/2012 06:24:20 AM (13 years ago)




    v47 v48  
    8787== !SearchSubtitles ==
    88 '''array !SearchSubtitles( $token, array(array('sublanguageid' => $sublanguageid, 'moviehash' => $moviehash, 'moviebytesize' => $moviesize, ''imdbid => $imdbid'', ''query'' => 'movie name', "season" => 'season number', "episode" => 'episode number' ),array(...)))'''
    90 Returns information about found subtitles. It is designed making multiple search at once. When nothing is found, 'data' is empty. If sublanguageid is empty, or have value 'all' - it search in every sublanguage, you can set it to multiple languages (e.g. 'eng,dut,cze').
     88'''array !SearchSubtitles( $token, array(array('sublanguageid' => $sublanguageid, 'moviehash' => $moviehash, 'moviebytesize' => $moviesize, ''imdbid => $imdbid'', ''query'' => 'movie name', "season" => 'season number', "episode" => 'episode number', 'tag' => tag ),array(...)))'''
     90Returns information about found subtitles. It is designed making multiple search at once. When nothing is found, 'data' is empty. If sublanguageid is empty, or have value 'all' - it search in every sublanguage, you can set it to multiple languages (e.g. 'eng,dut,cze'). Tag is moviefilename or subtitlefilename, or releasename - currently we index more than 25.000.000 of tags.
    9292If you define moviehash and moviebytesize, then imdbid and query in same array are ignored. If you define imdbid, then moviehash, moviebytesize and query is ignored. If you define query, then moviehash, moviebytesize and imdbid is ignored. Pseudocode:
    9696} elseif (defined($imdbid)) {
    9797  // search by $imdbid
     98} elseif (defined($tag)) {
     99  //search by $tag
    98100} elseif (defined($query)) {
    99101  // fulltext search by $query
    105107 * Max results is set to 500 found items in total
    106108 * Season and Episode are not mandatory, when using query/imdb searching
    107  * For perfect matches use moviehash/moviebytesize searching, for movie matches use imdbid searching, if you can not use any of them, use fulltext search
     109 * For perfect matches use moviehash/moviebytesize searching, for movie matches use tag/imdbid searching, if you can not use any of them, use fulltext search (least accurate)
    108110 * If used this method in movie player and subtitles are found using imdbid or query, should be nice to implement [wiki:DevReadFirst#Yourmovieplayershouldsupportautomaticuploading Automatic Uploading], so we get back movie hash of matching movie
    109  * !MatchedBy can be: moviehash, imdbid, fulltext (so you know from where results comes from)
     111 * !MatchedBy can be: moviehash, imdbid, tag, fulltext (so you know from where results comes from)
    111113Tip: you can combine your searches array as you want, so things like
    114116array('imdbid' => '1129442', 'sublanguageid' => 'eng'),
    115117array('query' => 'matrix', 'sublanguageid' => 'cze,slo'),
    116 array('moviehash' => '18379ac9af039390', 'moviebytesize' => 366876694)
     118array('moviehash' => '18379ac9af039390', 'moviebytesize' => 366876694),
     119array('tag' => 'heroess01e08.avi'), //you can add also query or imdbid here
    118121are possible :)