Changes between Version 65 and Version 66 of XMLRPC

02/20/2014 02:41:24 AM (11 years ago)




    v65 v66  
    8181== !LogIn ==
    8282'''array !LogIn( $username, $password, $language, $useragent )'''
    83 This will login user. This function should be called always when starting talking with server. It returns '''token''', which must be used in later communication. If user has no account, blank username and password should be OK. As language - use [ ISO639] 2 letter code and later communication will be done in this language if applicable (error codes and so on). Note: when username and password is blank, status is 200 OK, because we want allow anonymous users too. Useragent cannot be empty string. For $useragent use your [wiki:DevReadFirst registered useragent], also provide version number - we need tracking version numbers of your program. If your UA is not registered, you will get error '''414 Unknown User Agent'''
     83This will login user. This function should be called always when starting talking with server. It returns '''token''', which must be used in later communication. If user has no account, blank username and password should be OK. As language - use [ ISO639] 2 letter code and later communication will be done in this language if applicable (error codes and so on). Note: when username and password is blank, status is 200 OK, because we want allow anonymous users too. Useragent cannot be empty string. For $useragent use your [wiki:DevReadFirst registered useragent], also provide version number - we need tracking version numbers of your program. If your UA is not registered, you will get error '''414 Unknown User Agent'''.
     85Note: don't send any cookies using XML-RPC, specially cookie named "PHPSESSID=" can cause unpredictable behaviour while Loggin In.
    8587Example output: