Custom Query (41 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2 invalid Legenda guest

Tenho algumas legendas de filmes e gostaria de colaborar. Como devo fazer. Obrigado.

#3 fixed TV Series Support guest

Please consider adding basic TV Series support to both web and API:

-Season # -Episode(s) -IMDBID for Episode along with IMDBID for Series -TheTVDB ID (ideally) -Support Upload of multiple individual subtitles, instead of the concept of "multiple CDs"

#4 fixed Provide more robust API guest

Current API access is too open, too loose.

Maybe it would be a good idea to move towards an improved API base:

-Better authentication (shared-key for clients + oauth or username/encryptedpass for users)

-URL-Based API (like Twitter, TheMovieDB) for simpler methods.

-MUCH improved tracking: API session, time spent in session, time left in session, quota status for searches, downloads, API limits like max items per search, etc.

Having this in the API would help clients auto-regulate, disable functionality, or pre-emptyively throttle or deny requests.

-Modularize the API in a way that allows for certain functionality to be disabled (standard response for disabled methods or modules) or throttled (modifying the "quotas" footer/header mentioned above).

-Seriously consider simplifying registration (even providing a method for creating accounts directly) so no anonymous access is allowed.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.