Opened 16 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#3 closed enhancement (fixed)

TV Series Support

Reported by: Hacked Owned by:
Priority: major Keywords: tv series episode season


Please consider adding basic TV Series support to both web and API:

-Season #
-IMDBID for Episode along with IMDBID for Series
-TheTVDB ID (ideally)
-Support Upload of multiple individual subtitles, instead of the concept of "multiple CDs"

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Hacked, 16 years ago

Each sub on OS currently is associated with exactly one IMDB ID.

  • most subs seem to be associated with the series ID, with a free-form hint to episode number in "release" field.
  • some subs are associated with the specific episode's ID.

The latter is clearly better for a healthy DB and should be encouraged.

There is already a partial connection between them in cases where several subs have been uploaded for the same movie hash, some with series ID and some with episode ID.

In the long run, the DB schema should become aware of series/episodes duality, and the DB should be cleaned up, extracting episode IDs wherever possible.
Meanwhile, it would be beneficial to at least encourage uploads using episode ID.

Things that would help that goal:

  • SearchMoviesOnIMDB() appears to only return movie/series IDs. Should be fixed to also return episodes.
  • Some APIs, such as TryUploadSubtitles return a single ID, with de-facto preference to series ID because the series tends to have a higher seen count. If OS can distinguish episodes from series IDs (I guess there is a simple flag from IMDB?), episode IDs should always win.

I'm working on a kludge to prefer episode IDs in SubDownloader.

comment:2 by Administrator, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

it should be fixed now.

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