Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#37 closed task (invalid)

May I use your api?

Reported by: Hacked Owned by:
Priority: major Keywords:



I'm collecting information for my new customized website. (A unique project which I can't tell you yet for idea-copy reasons)
You api sounds very useful to me.

I need to be able to get the srt content of a imdb id (in correct .srt format, timing etc. doesn't matter to me).
I will use your xml api only once a movie, and I will download the xmls to a local network, to save server resources and preventing double requests.

But I do not get any clue of how to use it, and if I need to register.

Can I get any info to my mail?
robertmaartenschuurman @

My api use may result in a donation, depending if I can get what I need, and if my project is gonna work the way it should.

Thanks for all help,

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Hacked, 12 years ago

Type: defecttask

comment:2 by Administrator, 12 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

contact me directly to admin [at] opensubtitles [dot] org.

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