Opened 16 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#5 closed enhancement (fixed)

TryUploadSubtitles method has faults

Reported by: Hacked Owned by:
Priority: major Keywords:


TryUploadSubtitles method has problems when used outside the original needs of (I think) SubDownloader.

Currently it doesn't work for multiple unrelated files, as it needs to report the upload of "several CDs" and this implies a relationship that may not be necessary.

Response contains 90% useless information for upload afterwards, instead of just basic Movie Data.

New Method should support:
-Upload of unmatched subtitles (plain subtitles, not matched to a movie)
-Upload of multiple subtitles per movie (more than one language or subtitle format)

New Method should be improved by:
-Provide one response per subtitle item in original request, matched either by sequential ID sent in request or by Subtitle hash.
-For existing subtitles: Report if subtitle exists in DB, confirm if new name or new match were made.
-For MovieHash-Matched Subtitles:Adopting a more compact response, including only the basic movie data as regarding to the moviehash sent.
-For Single, unmatched Subtitles: Search Results based on name and return in appropriate array, for later upload.

All items in request should have one item in return response. Responses would be:

-Sub Existing. Nothing changed.
-Sub Existing. New Moviehash Match made.
-Sub Existing. Language Discrepancy. Logged for review.
-Sub Existing. New Sub Name recorded.
-Sub Doesn't Exist. Moviehash exists. Movie Information Follows.
-Sub Doesn't Exist. Moviehash doesn't exist. Movie Information based on name Follows.
-Sub Doesn't Exist. No Moviehash was sent. Movie Information based on name Follows.

ALSO, improvements to the API for this procedure:

-Include versioning (no versioning in request implies "classic" method or "latest", your choice)
-Record stats per user of uploads, matched uploads, moviehash creation and new matches for existing files. These could later be the source for nice competition ladders in the web and a reason for visiting the web afterwards.
-Upload should NEVER be anonymous.
-Method should record the client and version used for the upload, for tracking purposes. More incentive for developers ;)

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Hacked, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Type: defectenhancement

comment:2 by Hacked, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:3 by Administrator, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

a lot of things are done, versioning of XMLRPC would be big change.

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