
Showcase videos

This page contains showcase videos instructing users how to use various features of Oscar.

The list is very short for now but will be growing when I have more time to create more:

First time setup

this video shows you how to setup the application upon first time startup and also how to search for and download subtitles.

Using 'Search by IMDb ID' feature

this video demonstrates the 'Search by IMDb ID' along with integration into Windows Explorer for searching for subtitles.

Subtitles will be also added later to explain what's going on in the videos.


this video shows you how to upload subtitles. Also see Tips&tricks to learn more about the subtitle filename template, that's really important to understand. Subtitles are included in this video. It's a sort of quick hack but I hope you get the point or at least a few pointers.


  • all videos are encoded using XViD
Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Jul 28, 2008, 10:03:14 PM